Henry Williams has been working with EDF Energy, the owner of Cottam Power Station who are progressing a major scheme to install a Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) plant.
The purpose of the FGD plant is to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions by diverting the gases produced by burning coal through a limestone process. The plant will reduce sulphur dioxide emissions (the gases which cause acid rain) by up to 94% and create gypsum as a by-product – which is then sold on to the building industry. Our scope in the overall project was to design and install a signalling system capable of controlling the rail traffic around the merry-go-round line through to the mechanised discharge and loading hoppers. A small control panel, pictured below, provides the hopper operator interface to control the train movements.
The signalling system comprises of a new REB and a set of location cases fitted with signalling interlock equipment required to control/interface the motorised points, track circuits, control panels, and signals required to provide a safe passage of trains throughout the process.