After a well-earned overhaul and refurbishment, costing £150,000 and taking 21 weeks, our upset forging machine is back meaner, leaner and quicker than before.
The refurbishment was undertaken by Forge Tech Services of Ashton-under Lyme and was part of Henry Williams’ strategic plan to increase efficiency through investment in technology and better tooling. After extensive study of new machines, it was decided that the ACME if restored to the condition it was in when new, would be the best machine for the job. Not to mention retaining this iconic part of HW heritage having been purchased and installed on this site in 1937. To abandon the ACME would have been like turning our backs on an old trusted friend.
The ACME can produce upset forgings in carbon, alloy, and stainless steels from 25mm to 140mm. It is a mechanical horizontal forging machine and is extremely versatile in its operation. Material can be gathered and progressively forged in multiple die stations achieving close to form, and sometimes draft- free forgings. Perfect grain flow is achieved to produce strong flawless forgings every time.
We were glad to have it back in production but no more than were our clients.